
Sharing My Umbrella

You know that feeling of being caught in an unexpected torrential rainstorm? You’re starting to get drenched, you’re shivering, and everything just feels miserable and hopeless and confusing. Plus the rain is in your eyes, so you can’t even see where you’re going. But then someone comes along and shares their umbrella with you. You’re still wet and cold, but now you’re not alone. You’re no longer being actively rained on, and with the rain out of your eyes you start feeling more hopeful because you can see your path again. For a lot of my life, I’ve felt out of place and like I never got it quite “right.” I felt like I had always said or done something wrong, was a little too open, or laughed a little too loudly. I felt like I was constantly out in that confusing and daunting rainstorm. I think we’ve ALL felt that to some extent. Heck, even as an adult I often felt like I was “in trouble” for saying or doing the wrong thing, and I almost never understood why. And then I found someone